Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 01, 2008- At Sea

Our third full day at sea across the South Atlantic began under cloudy & windy skies with some whitecaps on the waves. Our deck walk was cut a bit short due to light rain starting up. While having coffee in the Navigator Lounge we heard about the attempted pirate attack on the Oceania Nautica in the Gulf of Aden. We not only passed through the Gulf of Aden recently but also stopped in Aden to drop off a medical emergency guest. The Nautica is essentially the same size as the Navigator. We were also in Mumbai and at the Taj Mahal Hotel before the terrorist attacks. The terrorists came ashore at the Taj on zodiac boats and we had been docked along the waterfront within walking distance of the Taj. Would the terrorists considered a cruise ship full of Brits & Americans a prime target? Everyone on board had to have a yellow fever vaccination certificate or get inoculated on board before arriving in Richards Bay because we had been in an area that had a yellow fever outbreak. We’ve really been dodging bullets on this trip. In a couple of months we’re supposed to have an overnight in Bangkok on the Mariner and we hope the situation there is settled well in advance.

During Terry Breen’s talk on Brazil before lunch the ship got caught in a swell from the side causing it to lean about 10 degrees to starboard and sending glassware and plates on to the floor. We played Pooch after lunch on what was otherwise a relatively uneventful day. We joined friends in their suite for cocktails and then all 10 of us went to the Compass Rose for lobster & filet dinner. We had a boys table and a girls table and the girls made more noise. One couple had a bottle of home made lemoncello from Cape Town that we all shared after dinner. Since we had seen the Motown show twice before we spent time chatting with friends in the lounge.

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